Tag: ecomaxhacks Stories


Good Wood

Protecting our Forests is a matter of ImportAnts, because they are more than just a collection of trees… So what is Good Wood and why should you care?


5 minute Detox

Partied too hard? Desperate to get into a healthy routine? Don’t stress! Cleaning up your act does not have to be a punishment for your sins. All it takes is 5 minutes to set yourself up for success, with the wholesome and easy routine… of dry body brushing.


See the Eco Max Kitchen Scrubber in ACTION!

Nylon scourers wear out quickly and release micro-plastics into our waterways, replace yours with a natural fibre, earth friendly, plastic free Pot Scourer. Want to see how easily the Eco Max Pot Scourer cuts through grease?

A - Z of produce use

A – Z of Produce Use

Getting the most from your produce is good for the planet and your purse. Whether it’s storing them or eating them, these EcoMaxHacks will make sure you get the best value and longest life out of the produce you buy.

Eco Max Kitchen Brushes

11 reasons why coconut is the new black

Renewable, sustainable, carbon neutral and 100 % natural, coconut can replace so many products that are harmful to the environment, read on to discover what you can replace with coconut.


How often should I clean that?

When it comes to cleaning your household items, we can all be a little slack. Here are the products in your house that you should be replacing or cleaning regularly.



Cleaning does not have to be complicated. Go back to basics with these chemical free cleaning recipes and our natural household brushes. Some great tips to start your Zero Waste journey.


OMG! What will I use to line my bin?

How will I line my bin now that there are no more free shopping bags at supermarkets? Try this clever Eco Max Hack, a plastic free way to line your bin.